Wednesday, December 26, 2007



My purpose regarding the formation of ART OF SATISFACTION is to just to get the reality of understanding to each and every people of this world. No body can claim himself to be automatic. Some force is always there to control that and at some point of time this force is controlled and regulated by some other authority. Our training of understanding is wrong. We are trained to understand the theme of movement in the way as it affects our self. My approach is to make every one happy and free from this understanding of sui generic. I am the doer is the concept behind all movement and dissatisfaction of the society. I will let you know that this approach of understanding is totally artificial. The time shall come when you will know that you are satisfied in all your movement and walk of life. As it is the thing that is natural. We are made artificial by the training of society and religion. We are only the manifestation of what we are trained for. I will be happy if I am able to make even one man of the world satisfied in its inner sense. I welcome your support. I welcome your thought. Infact my purpose was not to make it a forum of an intellectual discussion but of a forum where you will get actual satisfaction and that is your naturality. I promise you a life that has no fear and where you will find your exact. Right now you are not in your exact but under a trainingship of society where you had born.
I promise you a self that will be always satisfied.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

sex, satisfaction and we

sex, satisfaction and we
What is sex ? a mode of recreation or procreation? I say that sex is a theory related with our Aatma. Soul. You must understand yourself before you enter Sex. The syllogism is that "Sex "and 'satisfaction' both starts with same letter. Satisfaction related to what body or mind?
Or is it a combination of both? this is a question that needs answer and our theorists are tryng to answer for this in their most efficient way. And result SEX is a taboo in the society. Why? Sex is a taboo as it is associated with procreation. What is the purpose of SEX? Why is so that enjoyment is associated wth it? Basically Sex is extreme of attraction and a mode of getting complete. A circuit goes complete during the Sexual intercourse. As and when a curcuit is complete the bulb enlightens the room in the same way completion of Sexual Circuit enlightens our pshycological rooms of mind.
Only a sexually satisfied mind can enter in to creativity. The irony is that creativity and error both live in the same psychological room of the mind and searching of enlightenment make them out from that.
A good life or a successful life can not be got unless and untill you are sexually satisfied as the charm in this section of psychology is more then any other department of human hunger.The energy requirement from your energy source is tremendous in the completion of this circuit.
Now what is the way of Sexual satisfaction. There are two ways either Go through it or abstain totally from it. The former requires a meticulous approach as Sex is not like any simple animal hunger as it has its consequenses hence more security is attached to it by the nature and society. And the Second one requires the extreme attachment towards your goal if any.
You have to go by your choice of psychology but sexual satisfaction must come in its natural way.Unnatiral Sex shall never satisfy you and you will be trapped in to the quexic design of nature and shall be forced to live as an ordinary being. To acquire the extreme in your life you have to satisfied your self either go by the Sex or from abstaining it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007



What is time? Is it a limitation of hours, minuets and seconds ? Further seconds can also be divided. But the simplest and easily understandable unit is Second. It is an S.I. unit. And very interesting thing is that we have 86,400 seconds in a day. I am trying to comprehend time in psychic way. Psychic means a way of passing time. The mode of passing time is very interesting. It is 3 seconds, I cannot take less unit then this as it is standard one. 1 second decides past 1 second decides present and the third one decides future. My issue is to understand the crossing bridge of this as it is the significance of entire cycle of this cosmos and others also if any. But what is this. Second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year what next, not decided yet .Though we say decades and century. I am trying to convince myself with these limitations of measurement of time. Who am I? It is entire world that is convinced with it. The sun is responsible for that. Mathematics and decimal system is responsible for that. My fight is not with these subjects. I am trying to synchronies a bridge between past and future.
Human psychology is very fond of future. What is future we try to know or we speculate but what is past can we sure about that. We learn to collect past. It is merely awareness that realizes past. I am throwing a hypothetical situation to the world that existence of time is the limitation of reality. Reality is the evidence of time that is why future is not real. Can we imagine a situation where neither past nor future exists and even present is dormant there? What could be the status of that situation or event? Better we say it event. Modern science is dividing the existence of reality only that is present. It is unable to coin future and unable to trace past. What the modern science is doing it is merely describing definitions They call it History. History is merely story of aware generation rest is speculation on their hypothetical horizon. Modern science is merely dividing seconds but can not peep to the future. It can not push present second to next second it has to leave one to get next. Why? The imaginative approach to solve this why, leads towards astrology, palmistry, numerology, taro cards etc. Their imagination made it a science of coincidence. When it is the exact. An absolute exact which is coming. An evidence which does not require grammar. As time limited our language also in tenses Past, Present and future. We must mind what we say according to the terms of grammar otherwise we will be sent to mental asylum.
Now the million watt consideration what is time ? Can we think without it? Expansion of Universe as the scientists say, when they are not sure about the origin of Universe, is also limited by the time of earth or limited by the swiss watch or the watch made by Tata, Titan. Good, good enough but on the other way we must learn to say hello to our ignorance and accept the truth supplied to us until we know the exact.
Responsibility of time or the regulation of reality lies on whom? Who is responsible for absolute that is beyond time but that controls it. As I raised my question about a state where tense does not exist and it is possible in the space. The space is free from the Tense of earth and grammars of the languages. I am raising a question to myself that if any other civilization is in existence and their measurement of time is different from ours and their theory of origin of universe is different from ours then who shall decide which one is correct. Rationality and Logic? Science is slave of logics and facts but the basic thing of science is time and it is variable according to facts and circumstances.
The appreciation faculty of mind believes only in limitation and it enjoys limitation. As our training from childhood is like that. We accept the factor of time in its limitation from our childhood and we become that for what we were trained.
Now I want to conclude my questioning the authoritative issues of time but we must reply that why don’t we try to peep to the future instead of expecting it good for us. We should stop expecting future instead look into that and this shall happen only when we can stay in a state that is not limited by past, present and future. Though what would be that still a question for modern science. I am not raising a void question but a question that determines Us in this Universe. We have to answer about the past as well as to the future. But the irony is that we are neither sure about our past nor about our future. We are merely speculating that. Though we always expect good future. We have been caught in the equation of E=Mc2. We have been traumatized by the mass and speed theory. However we must appreciate that reality is subject to many conditions and sometimes reality is dark also. Our frame of understanding is very limited by this limitation of time and now it the responsibility of this time mechanics to take us across the boundary of past and future and of course present. But I think then it requires to change our language also and we can frequently control past as well as future also. But then it would not be a magic of Harry Potter but a simple incident like brushing the teeth.
