Wednesday, December 26, 2007



My purpose regarding the formation of ART OF SATISFACTION is to just to get the reality of understanding to each and every people of this world. No body can claim himself to be automatic. Some force is always there to control that and at some point of time this force is controlled and regulated by some other authority. Our training of understanding is wrong. We are trained to understand the theme of movement in the way as it affects our self. My approach is to make every one happy and free from this understanding of sui generic. I am the doer is the concept behind all movement and dissatisfaction of the society. I will let you know that this approach of understanding is totally artificial. The time shall come when you will know that you are satisfied in all your movement and walk of life. As it is the thing that is natural. We are made artificial by the training of society and religion. We are only the manifestation of what we are trained for. I will be happy if I am able to make even one man of the world satisfied in its inner sense. I welcome your support. I welcome your thought. Infact my purpose was not to make it a forum of an intellectual discussion but of a forum where you will get actual satisfaction and that is your naturality. I promise you a life that has no fear and where you will find your exact. Right now you are not in your exact but under a trainingship of society where you had born.
I promise you a self that will be always satisfied.